Diving Simulator
Italian Navy Submarines School

Submarines Command
Taranto - Italy
The diving training simulator, installed over the Submarine
School, provides training and simulation of the following main plants:
- steering, diving, surfacing and submerged control, including casualty
and emergency operations; trim, ballast, hydraulic and air mainfold;
- normal emergency and manual operation of the ship control system;
- effect on the ship performance by changing environment (depth, sea state,
trim angle, speed).
The acquisition of a diving simulator for training purpose was dictate by the
fact that a simulator is:
- available to be used whenever you need it, without engaging a real submarine
in training activity;
- fit to simulate normal/abnormal and emergency condition training. Normally
on a real submarine you don't practice (for safety reason) critical situation
(such as flooding, control jamming or loss of propulsion) wich are too hazardous
for a demonstration under actual operating conditions;
- much cheaper than a sea-bound submarine.
The training can be addressed either to single crew members
or to platform team. It is performed by physical feel and visual indication
and make crew fully familiar with operating procedures under a wide variety
of conditions.
The simulator is essentially made by an oscillating module which provides a
realistic response to helmsman and trim ballast control operations. It is configured
as a submarine control room and is mounted on a hydraulically powered motion
system. The module is coupled to a central computer through an electronic interface;
this computer simulates the performance of the submarine. Trainees experience
movement of the platform in response to changing plane angles and ballast conditions.
The main components of the diving simulator are:
- two axes motion system
- crew station (module)
- instructor console
- central computer for control and simulation
Italian Navy finds the use of the diving simulator worthfull, due to the fact
that effective training on an operating submarine is particulary difficult because
of following reasons:
- safety: trainees errors may be dangerous for the whole submarine; some
errors can be absolutely final;
- cost: training session needs the operativity at sea of the submarine;
- effectiveness: training session cannot be easily selected, repeated or
freezed for discussion; moreover, hazardous situations cannot be simulate
on board.